Romil 31st May 2020

Dear brother Avi "What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch. We may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember that you lived and your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget" We pray to Almighty that you find peace in next world and that we all meet again in some time, in some form, at some place. Farewell....... So long. Respected Mamaji & Mamiji, Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever. Saying goodbye to someone we love is heartbreaking. May you find comfort in all the special memories that Avi left behind. This angel will always be within your heart and the many others that loved him. Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer. Our hearts are with you. Sonu